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Hydromette RTU 600, Set Pajarito

Product information "Hydromette RTU 600, Set Pajarito"

Electronic four-in-one meter for wood and buil- ding materials, air humidity and temperature. Complete set with available accessories stated below. Specification: Handy moisture and temperature meter for fast single and series measurements. Direct reading on large LCD display, reading accuracy 0.1 di- git, fully automatic analyser calibration. Highest accuracy for each type of wood by specifying a variety-specific calibration curves-code, auto- matic temperature compensation (-10 to + 90 ° C). Weight 390 g (without accessories), po- wered by 9V battery or Ni-Cd rechargeable bat- tery (optional).
Brand: Pajarito
Maße: 180 x 115 x 53 mm

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